This is my last post before the submission, I have been
working on the tool and polishing my script.
Here’s a screenshot of the final tool:
It is divided by separators in three sections:
General Settings: this section allows you to
configure the size of the grid and the cell.
Make Fire Collider: this section allows you to
make an object an active fire collider, whenever the object touched grid cells
it will apply X intensity per tick on them until they burn out.
Apply Material Properties: this section allows
you to mark an environment mesh with fire properties, all the cell that lie
beneath this one will inherit the properties specified in the tool.
At the end of the project, I have to say I am quite
satisfied with how it behaves; the project could still be improved both in
terms of performance and look.
The particles used at the moment are hardcoded
but a better way to manage their look could have been exposed.
proves to be an issue with bigger grids, I didn’t have time to experiment with
it but I believe that alternative ways of detecting collisions could have
improved the end result in that regard.